Celebrating 25 years of the OGLE project  
Celebrating 25 years of the OGLE project
photo by Krzysztof Ulaczyk

Registration and Abstract submission is closed.

Conference fees

regular student
(until May 15th)
1 100 PLN
(~250 Euro)
650 PLN
(~150 Euro)
(after May 15th)
1 300 PLN
(~300 Euro)
850 PLN
(~200 Euro)


Scientific conference: Celebrating 25 years of the OGLE project
24–28 July 2017 (Monday–Friday)
Old Library Auditorium of the Warsaw University, Poland
ogle25@astrouw.edu.pl, http://ogle25.astrouw.edu.pl/


Honorary patronage:

Committee on Astronomy
of the Polish Academy of Sciences