Celebrating 25 years of the OGLE project  
Celebrating 25 years of the OGLE project
photo by Krzysztof Ulaczyk

We offer a full-day bus trip to birthplaces of Frederic Chopin (the famous Polish pianist and composer) and Nicolaus Copernicus (the widely known Polish astronomer). The tour will be guided by an English-speaking person.

You can order a Conference Trip here together with or separately from the conference fee payment.

Photos by Wojsyl and kishjar

Approximate schedule of the trip:

A single person fee of 70 Euro includes: the bus fee, the guide fee, breakfast/sandwiches/snacks on-board the bus, dinner, tickets for the Chopin museum, tickets for the Copernicus House, Old Town Hall and Cathedral.

There is a limited number of seats available (50), so please register early, as tickets will be given out on a first come, first served basis.

Scientific conference: Celebrating 25 years of the OGLE project
24–28 July 2017 (Monday–Friday)
Old Library Auditorium of the Warsaw University, Poland
ogle25@astrouw.edu.pl, http://ogle25.astrouw.edu.pl/


Honorary patronage:

Committee on Astronomy
of the Polish Academy of Sciences